
Numerology for Babies & Children

Lucky Baby Name Selection

Lucky Baby Name Selection

Nature created the Babies but “Sengs Systems” of Numerology only can makes them Lucky. If Babies life starts with LUCKY NAME Vibration Your baby with Lucky Name will lead a healthy life, and gain good memory power and education. Your baby will grow to be famous among society because of smart character and good relationships. Leading capacity will bring good ranking in all the fields like education, sport, career and society. Your baby will be ...
Child Name Alteration

Child Name Alteration

If your child is already named but, it is not as per the numerology you can alter or you can change it any time. It the name is altered as numero science vibration the child will get extremely positive results. Children learn faster than adults. What they learn, that is what they become. If the name of your child is full packed with negative vibration, your child is ultimately into deep trouble like ill health, loss of memory, bad behavior &...
Baby’s Naming Date Selection

Baby’s Naming Date Selection

Naming of the baby on lucky date, it makes the baby’s life with good health, good character, very good memory power, multiple talents, leadership quality, a long life, good relationship with parents and society Name is identity, and one should be identified as good and successful person. If when you name your baby on a right date according to the numerology. The baby will attain remarkable achievements in the whole life, and will make proud t...
Baby Lucky Delivery Date

Baby Lucky Delivery Date

Lucky delivery date makes the baby’s life more successful. (If the doctor advised for cesarean delivery) if the baby is delivered on unlucky date then baby’s whole life will be in struggle and unsuccessful. BABY LUCKY DELIVERY DATE SELECTION: (Predetermined Date) According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, you can find out lucky and unlucky dates based on your one’s date of birth. If the baby is delivery on lucky date, it makes the baby’s life wi...

Name Testing

Baby Name Testing

Baby Name Testing

If you call your baby by its lucky name-sound it will become relaxed and will be filled with happiness. It will respond whole heartedly and gladly. Age below 3 Years Nature created the Babies but "Sengs Systems" of Numerology only can makes them Lucky. If Babies life starts with LUCKY NAME Vibration, Baby will get the following resuts. According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, a Lucky name is the greatest life time gift you can give your...
Child Name Testing

Child Name Testing

Name number is very important because it modifies both your child’s nature and destiny. Only child with lucky name is having a lucky life. Age between 3 to 18: In Numerology science , numbers represent planets with their powers and influences. When a number corresponding to a name is found out, you can know what planet it represents. It has been found out that if these name number matches with the birth number and the destiny number of y...
Personal / Nick Name Testing

Personal / Nick Name Testing

Name number is very important because it modifies both your nature and destiny. Only persons According to Numerology, a lucky name is very essential for successful life. Coming to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, numbers represent planets with their powers and influences. When a number corresponding to a name is found out, you can know what planet it represents. It has been found out that if these name number matches with the birth number and...
Business / Brand Name Testing

Business / Brand Name Testing

Success and reputation are also built around the lucky name. A corporate business generally has a registered name, a slightly shortened printed name, and a very short name as it is known to the public. ("Sengs Systems" of Numerology) According to "Sengs Systems"  of Numerology, a lucky business name is a must for business success! Like persons, a business is known by its name. Success and reputation are also built around it. A corporate bu...
Marriage Date Testing

Marriage Date Testing

Your marriage will be a complete success only if you marry on a right date. You can test your wedding /marriage dates by astro numerology methods, to find out whether the date is lucky or unlucky. Your marriage will be a complete success only if you marry on a right date. I will tell you how to choose the right dates on which you can get married. There are many methods of marriage date selections. A popular one is based on the Astrological...
Signature Testing

Signature Testing

You cannot change your hand writing. But, if you change your signature then your life will change. Signature testing by Graphology Method Graphology is more usually known as signature analysis. Considered both as an art and science, it is the study of and signature. The aim is of revealing the character and personality of the writer, including his or her strengths, weaknesses and abilities. As signature comes from the unconscious, it contains...

Numerology for Adults

Personal Name Alteration

Personal Name Alteration

Only persons with suitable and lucky names are very successful and shine in life. Name number is very important because it modifies both your nature and destiny. If you want lucky and successful life, your name should be a lucky name as per numerology. Because Name number is very important it modifies both your nature and destiny. Only persons with suitable and lucky names are very successful and shine in life. Many misfortunes, diseases and...
Graphology & Signatures

Graphology & Signatures

Signatures reveal positivity and negativity. A progressive signature is a must to remove all negativity from heart and mind to bring SUCCESS. What is Graphology? Graphology is more usually known as handwriting analysis. Considered both as an art and science, it is the study of handwriting. The aim is of revealing the character and personality of the writer, including his or her strengths, weaknesses and abilities. As handwriting comes from...
Careers & Occupations

Careers & Occupations

Some prefer to use their brains, others use their muscles. In my reading you will find out what is the best occupation for you. Are you feeling fulfilled in your profession? What jobs interest you? Usually people don’t follow their dream occupation. They are scared, they are afraid they will fail. Numerology shows, you what are the careers that are in harmony with your "Sengs Systems" of numerology numbers. That means that if you chose that c...
Perfect Place to Live

Perfect Place to Live

Choosing to live in the wrong city, may add a negative vibration to your life and can hinder your potential. Many people fail to realize that numerology also can play a big part in where you choose to live. This in turn can affect your health, success, and happiness. Choosing to live in the wrong city, may add a negative vibration to your life and can hinder your potential. In the same way you can use your birth number and destiny numbers to more...
Gambling and Lottery

Gambling and Lottery

Some people have extremely good luck gambling, others are flops. Gambling, like anything else, should be kept within reason and done with a cool head-easier said than done. Almost always, the serious or long term gambler losses in the end because the odds will always be in favour of the house.Gambling, like anything else, should be kept within reason and done with a cool head easier said than done. How many of you gamble? Perhaps all of us at...

Numerology for Business

New Lucky Business Names

New Lucky Business Names

Success and reputation are built around the lucky business names. If the name is unlucky, business will be running with heavy losses. According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, a lucky business name is a must for business success! Like persons, a business is known by its name. Success and reputation are also built around it. A corporate business generally has a registered name, a slightly shortened printed name, and a very short name as it is...
Business Loss & Name Alteration

Business Loss & Name Alteration

If the existing Business or Firm Name is in not as per "Sengs Systems" of Numerology Vibrations, you can alter or change the Name immediately to avoid heavy losses. If all these names are lucky the business will be very successful. At least one of these names has to be lucky for the business to be successful. There is no doubt about that. Also the business name must be suitable to the promoters. Otherwise there will be disharmony and confusion. Only...
Lucky Brand Names

Lucky Brand Names

The Brand name must be suitable to the promoters. Otherwise there will be disharmony, confusion and heavy loss. According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, a lucky Brand name is a must for business success! Like persons, a Brand is known by its name. Success and reputation are also built around it. A corporate business generally has a registered Brand name, a slightly shortened printed Brand name, and a very short Brand name as it is known to...
Business Partnership Compatibility

Business Partnership Compatibility

If you want instructions how to select a good business partner that will be in harmony with your energy and numbers, order for consultation. Why is it you’re strongly attracted to a person-or they to you? What makes for compatibility on the one hand, and turns you off on the other? This question of attraction, compatibility, and harmony is about as old as the human kind. As an individual, you may respond to love, passion, feelings, and emotions t...
Transport Vehicle Name Selection

Transport Vehicle Name Selection

Only lucky transport names click with the public! All popular transport business, shines in the market today have lucky names! According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, a lucky transport business name is a must for business success! Like persons, a transport business is known by its name. Success and reputation are also built around it. A transport business generally has a registered by names, and also written on the vehicle, which is known...

Dating / Love Compatibility

Dating / Love Compatibility

Dating / Love Compatibility

Whether he / she will be a good partner in dating. Will this relationship will last. This service will help to make your date special. This is the unique services in which we will check whether you are dating with the right person. Whether he / she will be a good partner in dating. Will this relationship will last. This service will help to make your date special. Both the partners dating compatibility will be check "Sengs Systems" of numerological...
Friendship Compatibility

Friendship Compatibility

As an individual, you may respond to love, passion, feelings, and emotions totally differently from your friend or others close to you In this world very few are having good friends. Why is it you’re strongly attracted to a person-or they to you? What makes for compatibility on the one hand, and turns you off on the other? This question of attraction, compatibility, and harmony is about as old as the human kind. As an individual, you may respond t...
Marriage Compatibility

Marriage Compatibility

Of course joy, harmony and love are also key components for a successful union. In order to make a marriage last both partners need to be understanding and considerate of one another. Marriage is one of the most sacred and oldest institutions known to man. In order to make a marriage last both partners need to be understanding and considerate of one another. Of course joy, harmony and love are also key components for a successful union. However,...
Marriage Date Selection

Marriage Date Selection

Only successful marriage leads to prosperity, happiness and fulfillment. Therefore the choice of the marriage date is also of serious concern. The auspicious days chosen from the Astrological almanacs are not suitable to each and every individual even though they are common good days. Your marriage will be a complete success only if you marry a right person on a right date. I will tell you how to choose that right person and give you the right...
Sex and Numerology

Sex and Numerology

Sex is one of the basic human desires. It also is the key to life – why we all are here. Sex is representative of the continuity of life and the avoidance of extinction. It goes without saying, that sex is one of the basic human desires. It also is the key to life – why we all are here. Sex is representative of the continuity of life and the avoidance of extinction. We are all a part of the sexual process and evolution of life. We feel thi...
Marriage Failure

Marriage Failure

The divorce rate and the number of separations are extremely high due to wrong marriage date. Marriage is one of the most sacred and oldest institutions known to man. In order to make a marriage last both partners need to be understanding and considerate of one another. Of course joy, harmony and love are also key components for a successful union. However, the determining the date for your wedding is just as important. Many are aware that the...
Childlessness & Impotance

Childlessness & Impotance

Rarely, even couples who according to doctors are defective have been able to have a baby after following my Numerology advice. Infertility and impotence is a condition where a couple is not able to have a baby. There are two types of infertility: Male infertility and female infertility. In male infertility the male has a defect where he cannot contribute to the formation of a baby. In female infertility the female is not able to conceive a baby. There...

Mobile, Car, Bank Numerology

Lucky Mobile Number

Lucky Mobile Number

Mobile is an important device, which you are using it for your life and communications. So, mobile number should be lucky as per "Sengs Systems" of Numerology Vibrations. If the mobile is having Lucky vibrations then you will get good results in your life. Question: What will happen if the mobile is having lucky Number as per "Sengs Systems" of Numerology? Answer: You will get positive energy Your mind will work positively You...
Lucky Bank A/C. Number

Lucky Bank A/C. Number

Lucky Bank Account number act as an indirect business partner and it boost your economy status. And it always makes the persons to more financial transactions and to make fixed deposits, investments. According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, Bank account number is a very important number for your financial dealings. This number act as an indirect business partner and it boost your economy status if the number is lucky. Lucky bank account...
Lucky Bank Locker Number

Lucky Bank Locker Number

Lucky Locker number is a very important number for your safe storage. This number act as a wealthy maker. You can have more Gold and Diamonds. According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, Lucky Locker number is a very important number for your safe storage. This number act as an indirect security officer and it protects from theft and termites. Normally all banks has very tight security for the lockers and good quality protection for your storages....
Vehicle Registration Number

Vehicle Registration Number

Vehicle Registration Number has very much important role in Safety and Lucky. If the Vehicle Registration Number is in negative vibration, you will get accidents, injury and death. (Moped, Bike, Scooter, Car, Van, Bus, Lorry and all types Light and Heavy motor vehicles) Vehicle Registration Number has very much important role in Safety and Lucky also. If the Vehicle Registration Number is in the negative vibration, the persons those who are travelling...
Car Number and Numerology

Car Number and Numerology

Small car or Luxury car it met with an accident. WHY SO ? Good matching of your car number can make your car run smoothly and free from any mis-happening. Each and every one of us dream of buying a car. In today’s busy life it is one of the most important necessity for traveling. Whether it is a small car or luxury car, sometimes happen you buy a new car and it met with an accident, why so? Good matching of your car number can make your car r...

Numerology for Houses

Lucky House Name Selection

Lucky House Name Selection

House is a world, where you are living. Lucky Name vibration will bring good results in your life, beside of VASTU DEFECTS in the building. House is a world, where you are living. So, house should be named as per "Sengs Systems" of Numerology vibrations. If the house is having Lucky Name vibration, then you will get good results in your life, even your house is having some vasthu defects. You should name the house or building as soon as the construction...
Lucky Door / House Number

Lucky Door / House Number

Your house should be numbered as per “Sengs System” of numerology vibration to avoid negative results. If the house is having lucky number will give all kind of positive energy to the whole family. Avoid unlucky numbers in your life to avoid the PROBLEMS. Lucky Number will help you in all day to day situations very effortlessly and effectively. House is a world, where you are living. So, house should be numbered as per "Sengs Systems" of Num...
Lucky House Lock / Key Number

Lucky House Lock / Key Number

Lock number & Key number of your house plays an important role in safety measures. If any house is having negative Lock Number will face theft problems. The above sample key is having two types of numbers, top one is model number and the bottom one is serial number. This serial number will be mentioned in the Lock also. Then Serial Number of the Lock is 5660X . If you count numeric value as follows… 5 + 6 + 6 + 0 + = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8 ...

Lucky Number, Colour & Direction

Lucky Number Selection

Lucky Number Selection

Avoid unlucky numbers in your life to avoid the PROBLEMS. Lucky Number will help you in all day to day situations very effortlessly and effectively. According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, you can find out your lucky and unlucky number based on your date of birth. This lucky number you can use it for Bank accounts, Bank Locker Number, Car Number, House Lock Number, Mobile Number, Door number, etc. Unlucky number – you have to avoid these u...
Lucky Colour Selection

Lucky Colour Selection

Every colour has an important role in positive & Negative vibration for an individual, if you choose a right colour as per your date of birth. You will get Lucky results. Lucky colour is very much important in your life. House Painting Furniture Curtains Floors Vehicles Dresses Office stationeries like Visiting Card, Letter Pad, etc. etc… Wherever you are using a colour, if you use it as a lucky colour, good result w...
Lucky Direction Selection

Lucky Direction Selection

If your house, bed, office and office chair is facing in a good direction you will get positive results otherwise you have to face ill health & monitory problems. As per "Sengs Systems" of Numerology point of view your office direction, your chair direction, your facing direction is very much important. If your house is facing in good direction, you will be happy in that house; likewise your office also. At the time of sleeping your...

Gems & Yanthras

Energized Numeric Yanthra

Energized Numeric Yanthra

DON’T WORRY, whether you are born in stronger number or weaker number. Numeric Yanthra boosts the power of weaker number and makes you more successful in life. A Yantra means mystical diagrams, of a particular planYantra can be traced on paper, metal, glass, stone and other for the representation of divinity. A Yantra acts as a tool for meditation and ritual. Yantra can be traced on paper, metal, glass, stone and other materials. ...
Energized Yantra Garments

Energized Yantra Garments

Energized Yantra Garments will nullify the weakness of your birth number or your fate number. You can wear the Yantra Garment around the clock to get positive energy. If you wish to use the Yanthra around the clock, you can wear the Yanthra Garments which is specially prepared for numerological weak person based on "Sengs Systems" of Numerology. I am giving you energized Yanthra garments for you for nullifying the weakness of your birth number ...
Lucky Gem Stone Selection

Lucky Gem Stone Selection

Gem therapy is a powerful and remedial measure. In some instances wearing the Wrong Gem can cause serious physical and/or mental disorders. It is best if Gem Stones are bought only in consultaion with me. Gemstones and Numerology : Numbers and its Planets: Number 1 represents the Planet SUN Number 2 represents the Planet MOON Number 3 represents the Planet JUPITER Number 4 represents the Planet RAHU Number 5 represents the Planet...

Negative thoughts & Remedy

Remedy for Alcoholic Tempting

Remedy for Alcoholic Tempting

No meaning of advice, No meaning of counseling, No meaning of prayer, No meaning of treatment. Only solution is changing the drunkard’s name into positive vibration by "Sengs Systems". If the name is not match with date of birth of the man, then he will be tempting for alcoholic and became a drunkard. May be male or female, it is not a question. His or her life will be spoiled by alcoholic habit. Solutions: To correct the drunkard man into n...
Remedy for Drug Addiction

Remedy for Drug Addiction

If one’s name is in negative vibration, then the drug addiction will be killing the man’s life. Only solution is to change the drug addict’s name into positive vibration. If the name is in Negative Vibration, then Drug addiction will be killing the man’s life. I have seen lot of students, and other young people with bad vibration names are addicted for drugs. Numerological bad vibration name is a major roll in Drug addiction. Recovery: To re...
Remedy for Sexual Misbehavior

Remedy for Sexual Misbehavior

Person those who are having negative name are motivated by illegal and immoral sexual behaviours. If the person’s name is in Negative vibration, he will be having misbehaving in sexuality. Most of the Rape attempt person’s name I have been analyzed, all are having Negative name vibrations. Womanizing, always sex thoughts, immorality sex behavior, too much masturbation in youth; these kinds of characters arise only by unlucky name vibration. I hav...
Remedy for Theft Tempting

Remedy for Theft Tempting

Theft attempting mind is generated by negative name vibrations. By Law & Order we can make some fear but we cannot change the person. Name alteration only is the remedy to make him as a good person. I have observed lot of criminals in my life, those who are having Negative vibration names, they only attempting theft. Because negative name makes his as a negative person by his negative thought, I also analyzed records from police stations,...
Remedy for Suicide Tempting

Remedy for Suicide Tempting

Most of the suicide persons are having negative name number, negative name makes negative thinking. Negative thoughts make suicide attempts. I have done research in police stations, from the year 1985 onward, whoever is having negative name number they only, attempted or died out of suicide. Even for a small problem they are attempting suicide. Remedies: If you are having suicide thoughts in your mind, I kindly request you to please alter your...
Remedy for Murder Tempting

Remedy for Murder Tempting

People are doing murder for small reasons. I have analyzed the names of these peoples and I have found negative name vibration is the main reason. Most of the murders are having negative name number. Most of the peoples told me, Sir, I am having murder tempt, even for a small problem. Then I have analyzed the name of the person, I find, negative vibrations in the name. According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology Science, Negative Vibration names...

Common Problems & Solutions

Remedy for number 4 & 8

Remedy for number 4 & 8

Nearly 70% people in this world are born with number 4 & 8 and it is world known fact that these numbers can gives you a lot of sorrows, disappointments, hurdles, postponements, and make your life unbalanced as compared to other numbers. According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, each number is carrying specific laws and energies which are indicated through a person’s birth date. These numbers are like individuals, each having a different c...
Child Not in Favour

Child Not in Favour

Compatibility between parents and child as it a new dimension to the happiness and harmony of a family. Compatibility between parents and child is a serious concern considering the rapid growth of nuclear families. Mentioning ‘nuclear families’ it is very relevant to the significance of the compatibility between parents and child as it a new dimension to the happiness and harmony of a family. With the help of the name compatibility principles you...
Numerology & Peace of Mind

Numerology & Peace of Mind

If you want to maintain inner peace you can train yourself to bear it, it is not a solution to your problems and worries. The nature and destiny both are based on one’s birth date and name number. When you are constantly disturbed with the happening around or your nature does not feel comfortable, you will definitely lose your peace of mind. Sometimes changes in behavior can suggest that someone is developing a mental illness. If you want to...
Mental Worries

Mental Worries

Constant worrying takes a heavy toll. It keeps you up at night and makes you tense and edgy during the day. You hate feeling like a nervous wreck. So why is it so difficult to stop worrying? For most chronic worriers, the anxious thoughts are fueled by the beliefs— you may believe that your constant worrying is harmful, that it’s going to drive you crazy or affect your physical health. Or you may worry that you’re going to lose all control over ...
Enemies & Court Cases

Enemies & Court Cases

People born with negative numbers or with the name having negative vibration are more found of enemies and facing court cases. Even the situation is worse when both birth number and name number are in negative vibration which leads into unwanted enmity and penalization even though you are genuine and right. For an example for relations there will remain enmity between people born with date of birth as number or and date of birth as number...
Inferiority Complex

Inferiority Complex

An inferiority complex is a lack of self-worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings of not measuring up to standards. It is often subconscious, and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to over compensate, resulting in inferiority complex. The term was coined to indicate a lack of covert self-esteem. According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, Name plays an important role in the life of a person. You must know that a name is like a Mantra...

Love problems and solutions

Love Failure

Love Failure

The hope of being together is got shattered by many reasons like misunderstanding, social & family or even behavior & actions. The life is extremely fast and challenging and there is a need of someone special who can become a true companion in the journey of life. The hope of being together is got shattered by many reasons like misunderstanding, social & family or even behavior & actions. When it happens we recognize the difference...
Can I Get My Love Back

Can I Get My Love Back

The distance in the relationship will disturbs you a lot and you desperately want to get your love back. The contemporary life is extremely fast and challenging and there is a need of someone special who can become a true companion in the journey of life. If the concerned person is really loving, caring, supportive and is compatible with you, then no matter how arduous are the circumstances in life, can easily be surpassed. But what happens ...
Love Affair & Numerology

Love Affair & Numerology

The importance of love in a person’s life is certainly unquestionable as it is the ray of hope and gives immense strength. The importance of love in a person’s life is certainly unquestionable as it is the ray of hope and gives immense strength to face even the most strenuous crisis of your life. So if you have the true love in your life, you need to value it and respect your relationship with your loved one. But if due to some reasons you...
Inter Caste Love Marriage

Inter Caste Love Marriage

A love marriage is a marriage of two individuals based upon mutual love, affection, commitment and attraction. Inter-caste marriage is mostly caused by love. In india caste is dominating every where . Many of them are facing problems through parents or socity while getting inter caste marrage.But love marriage is a marriage of two individuals based upon mutual love, affection, commitment and attraction. Inter-caste marriage is mostly caused by...

Pet Animal Numerology

Pet Animal Name Selection

Pet Animal Name Selection

The characteristic features of your pet are influenced according to the numerological value of the letters in the name of the pets. It is not that the principles of numerological calculations are applicable to human beings only. The numerology principles can also be used in order to interpret the characteristics of the animals, whatever species it may be. You can use these numerology principles, rather animal numerology principles to know the...
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