Name Testing Services

Baby Name Testing

Baby Name Testing

If you call your baby by its lucky name-sound it will become relaxed and will be filled with happiness. It will respond whole heartedly and gladly. Age below 3 Years Nature created the Babies but "Sengs Systems" of Numerology only can makes them Lucky. If Babies life starts with LUCKY NAME Vibration, Baby will get the following resuts. According to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, a Lucky name is the greatest life time gift you can give your...
Child Name Testing

Child Name Testing

Name number is very important because it modifies both your child’s nature and destiny. Only child with lucky name is having a lucky life. Age between 3 to 18: In Numerology science , numbers represent planets with their powers and influences. When a number corresponding to a name is found out, you can know what planet it represents. It has been found out that if these name number matches with the birth number and the destiny number of y...
Personal / Nick Name Testing

Personal / Nick Name Testing

Name number is very important because it modifies both your nature and destiny. Only persons According to Numerology, a lucky name is very essential for successful life. Coming to "Sengs Systems" of Numerology, numbers represent planets with their powers and influences. When a number corresponding to a name is found out, you can know what planet it represents. It has been found out that if these name number matches with the birth number and...
Business / Brand Name Testing

Business / Brand Name Testing

Success and reputation are also built around the lucky name. A corporate business generally has a registered name, a slightly shortened printed name, and a very short name as it is known to the public. ("Sengs Systems" of Numerology) According to "Sengs Systems"  of Numerology, a lucky business name is a must for business success! Like persons, a business is known by its name. Success and reputation are also built around it. A corporate bu...
Marriage Date Testing

Marriage Date Testing

Your marriage will be a complete success only if you marry on a right date. You can test your wedding /marriage dates by astro numerology methods, to find out whether the date is lucky or unlucky. Your marriage will be a complete success only if you marry on a right date. I will tell you how to choose the right dates on which you can get married. There are many methods of marriage date selections. A popular one is based on the Astrological...
Signature Testing

Signature Testing

You cannot change your hand writing. But, if you change your signature then your life will change. Signature testing by Graphology Method Graphology is more usually known as signature analysis. Considered both as an art and science, it is the study of and signature. The aim is of revealing the character and personality of the writer, including his or her strengths, weaknesses and abilities. As signature comes from the unconscious, it contains...
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