
Name number is very important because it modifies both your child’s nature and destiny. Only child with lucky name is having a lucky life.

Age between 3 to 18:

In Numerology science , numbers represent planets with their powers and influences. When a number corresponding to a name is found out, you can know what planet it represents.

It has been found out that if these name number matches with the birth number and the destiny number of your child it results in the name mantra-yantra matching leading to harmony, health, good memory power,leadership quality,good charecter and prosperity.

This number then is the lucky name number of your child. According to the Chaldean system name number is most important. That is the number which ultimately rules your nature and fortune. Birth number and destiny number come only after that.

Name number is very important because it modifies both your child’s nature and destiny. Only childs with lucky name is having a lucky life.

You can test your child’s names by astro numerology methods,to find out weather the name is lucky or unlucky.

Plan Overview

Features of Basic Plan

  1. Basic System of Numerology applied for name testing using child’s Date of Birth

Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A In this testing you are about to know whether your name child’s is lucky or unlucky
Note: Separate charges applicable if you need any alteration.

Features of General Plan

Astro Numerology

  1. Names will be analyzed based on Astrology & General System of Numerology using Date of Birth
  2. Astrological Calculations (Planetary Combination, Conjunction & Aspects –Moon Sign plant Vibration – Ascendant plant Vibration – Planetary Strength Impact – Planetary Weakness Impact ) using child’s Date of Birth and Birth Time

Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A In this testing you are about to know whether your name child’s is lucky or unlucky
Note : Separate charges applicable if you need any alteration.

Features of Premium Plan

Astro Numerology

  1. Names will be analyzed based on Astrology & General System of Numerology using Date of Birth
  2. Astrological Calculations (Planetary Combination, Conjunction & Aspects –Moon Sign plant Vibration – Ascendant plant Vibration – Planetary Strength Impact – Planetary Weakness Impact ) using child’s Date of Birth and Birth Time
  3. Child’s Name will be analyzed based on parent’s name and date of birth vibration, grandparents name vibration & blood group of the child.

Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A In this testing you are about to know whether your name child’s is lucky or unlucky

Note : Separate charges applicable if you need any alteration.

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