
Lucky delivery date makes the baby’s life more successful. (If the doctor advised for cesarean delivery) if the baby is delivered on unlucky date then baby’s whole life will be in struggle and unsuccessful.


According to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, you can find out lucky and unlucky dates based on your one’s date of birth. If the baby is delivery on lucky date, it makes the baby’s life with good health, good character, very good memory power, multiple talents, leadership quality, a long life, good relationship with parents and society. Hence lucky delivery date makes the life more successful. (if the doctor advised for cesarean delivery)

Otherwise if the baby is delivered on unlucky date then baby’s whole life will be in struggle and unsuccessful.

“Sengs System” of Numerology and Date of Birth Number:

“Sengs Systems” of Numerology works on the principal of numbers and their association with planets. All numbers are good, but it may give different results for every individual based upon his or her date of birth. When a situation doesn’t work for an individual everyone says you are unlucky and when the situation works everyone says you are the lucky one.

Each individual is also associated with number which is derived from his or her date of birth. When this individual number gets harmony with the situation it works lucky.

Personal Lucky Numbers of Date of Birth:

As per “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, personal lucky numbers are calculated with the help of your baby’s date of birth. Personal lucky numbers have a specific role in your baby’s life. After knowing your personal lucky number, you will be aware of the positive or negative vibrations in the life.

For Consultancy ( “Sengs Systems” of Numerology )

I need the following details from you to find the Lucky Delivery Date.

  • Name of the Baby’s Father
  • Date of Birth of the Baby’s Father
  • Name of the Baby’s Mother
  • Date of Birth of the Baby’s Mother
  • What are the expected dates suggested by the doctor for baby’s cesarean delivery.

Note : for example, if Doctor says baby has grown well and it can be taken out from mother’s womb by cesarean between 12-02-2018 to 18-02-2018. You can fix any one of the lucky date between these suggested dates.

Plan Overview

Features of General Plan

  1. Father’s and Mother’s Date of Birth will be taken for calculation
  2. Delivery Date will be selected based on Basic System of Numerology

Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A You can get date for baby’s delivery

Features of Premium Plan

  1. Father’s and Mother’s Date of Birth & Horoscope will be taken for calculation
  2. Delivery Date will be selected based on Advanced System of Numerology

Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A You can get date for baby’s delivery

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